Local News

Deputies Jail Felon for Restraining Order Violation with OSP Help
Josephine County Deputies jailed a local felon for a restraining order violation with help from the Oregon State Police. Just before 10 Tuesday morning 911 received a call from the 2900 Block of Merlin Road because a suspect with whom a restraining order was in place had returned to a trailer on the property and had made threats to kill them if they informed law enforcement. The reporting parties were leaving because of the threats. At 10:34 a.m. the suspect, identified at Jeremy Kyle McFarland, 47, was reported to be detained, but not without significant effort. According to the Sheriff’s log McFarland attempted to flee and resisted attempts to restrain him. Deputies and Troopers took him to the ground and placed him in handcuffs. He continued to resist as he was placed into the patrol car and transported to the Josephine County Jail. He remained in custody Wednesday morning. The jail booking sheet listed no bail amount for the charges of Contempt of Court and a Post-Prison Supervision Sanction.
Posted on 1/1/25 5:54AM by Chuck Benson

GP Fugitive Captured in Cambodia
A Grants Pass fugitive, wanted since 2019, has been captured in Cambodia due to the partnership of the Josephine County Sheriff’s office and the U.S. Marshals Service. Over the last several months, the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office Crimes Analyst has been working with the United States Marshals Service in an attempt to locate Shawn Higbee, who is facing the charge of Sodomy 1. It was discovered by the Sheriff’s office analyst that Higbee had fled to Cambodia and had been there for several years. Higbee’s exact location was pinpointed through the dedicated hard work, training and experience of the analyst. That information was relayed to the Marshal’s Service, who turned the information over to their international apprehension team.On December 17th, 2024, Higbee was taken into custody. Higbee is currently lodged in a Cambodian jail and is awaiting extradition back to the United States. Once in country, he will be transported to the Josephine County Jail to face further prosecution regarding the crime of Sodomy 1.

At the time of this press release, no further details are being released.
Posted on 1/1/25 5:27AM by Chuck Benson

Free First Day Hike at Valley of the Rogue State Park begins at 11 a.m.
You are invited to celebrate the New Year with Oregon State Parks free first day hike at Valley of the Rogue State Park as they hike sections of the Greenway and River's Edge trails. The Hike, led by Rangers or volunteers, is slated to begin at 11 a.m. and hikers should meet at the Amphitheatre. This hike is classified as easy at 1.5 miles Park staff will arrive 15 minutes early and depart 5 minutes after the begin time after providing instructions and additional information. Dogs are welcome on 6-foot leashes. Children must be accompanied by an adult. America’s State Parks sponsors the First Day Hikes program nationwide to encourage everyone to start the year outside and connect with nature. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has participated since 2012. The Hike is free and the $5 day-use parking fee is waived today
Posted on 1/1/25 5:25AM by Chuck Benson

Oregon DMV Warns of Potential Vehicle and Dealership Scams
Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicles Services is warning Oregonians about a new scam using fake Manufacturer Certificates of Origin to obtain titles for stolen vehicles. That’s a document that certifies the original ownership of a vehicle, issued by the manufacturer when a vehicle is produced and contains information like the make, model, year and vehicle identification number. Crooks are creating fake VINs that appear to be legitimate and adding them to counterfeit Manufacturer Certificates of Origin created by either altering printed information on a genuine certificate or by creating a completely fake version. A fake certificate often lists the manufacturer’s name and an out-of-state dealer or distributor as the first buyer. To determine if your VIN is legitimate, you should first run the VIN through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recall site. If no VIN is found, you will get an error message meaning the VIN was not issued by that manufacturer. This search is free. Then check the vehicle history through the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System. Only use an approved National Motor Vehicle Title Information System data provider. These sites will generally charge a nominal fee. If you suspect the certificate or VIN is fraudulent, Oregon DMV recommends you contact the dealer that originally purchased the vehicle from the manufacturer to determine if the vehicle transaction, certificate and VIN are genuine. If the dealer or distributor cannot confirm they purchased the vehicle from the manufacturer, the certificate is probably fake.If you’re buying a vehicle from someone other than a certified dealer, take a photo of the seller’s identification and get their contact information. If they have another vehicle – write down or take a photo of the plate on that vehicle.DMV also warns of fraudulent dealerships being set up. The DMV website provides a look-up tool to verify if the business is a certified dealer. Check the website before doing any business with a vehicle dealer in Oregon. Verify the person you are dealing with is an employee of the dealership. For more information, visit Oregon DMV’s dealer web page.
Posted on 1/1/25 5:23AM by Chuck Benson
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County Administrative Policies Updated in Commissioners Final Meeting of 2024
A series of updates to the County’s administrative policies and procedures were approved by the County Commissioners during the last meeting of the year Tuesday morning and, likely the last decision by the current board. Commissioners approved order number 2024-078, updating Administrative Policy, and order number 2024-079, updating Personnel Policy.The Commissioners adjourned a short meeting and then convened in the Court House conference room for a workshop, with most of the new Board in attendance.The item concerning the replacement for a vacancy on the Board of Commissioners was dropped from a new agenda that was released Tuesday morning.
Posted on 1/1/25 5:22AM by Chuck Benson
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BCC Approves Updates to County Administrative Policies
News Image
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners approved a series of updates to the County’s administrative policies and procedures during the last meeting of the year Tuesday morning and, likely the last decision by the current board. Commissioners approved order number 2024-078, updating Administrative Policy, and order number 2024-079, updating Personnel Policy.The Commissioners adjourned a short meeting and then convened in the Court House conference room for a workshop, with most of the new Board in attendance. The item concerning the replacement for a vacancy on the Board of Commissioners was dropped from a new agenda that was released this morning. The workshop lasted about an hour with no firm decisions made with the general consensus the let the new Board of Commissioners make those upcoming decisions.
Posted on 12/31/24 10:48AM by Chuck Benson
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DUII Driver Speeds into Baker Park and Right into JoCo Jail
A 43-year-old driver sped into Baker Park Monday evening passing Grants Pass Fire and a Firefighter who were blocking vehicles from entering the lower park due to the river overflowing. A Grants Pass Police Officer in a marked cruiser was flagged down by the Fire Department to investigate the 1999 silver Mercury Cougar that accelerated passed the Firefighter into the lower parking lot. The officer contacted Darren Louis Pierce, 43, and observed numerous signs of impairment. Pierce refused to perform field sobriety tests and his driving status returned as revoked, misdemeanor. Pierce was taken into custody after refusing to provide a breath sample and taken to the hospital for a legal blood draw. Then he was transported to the Josephine County Jail and lodged on three charges: reckless driving, driving while suspended and Driving under the influence. He remained in custody Tuesday morning. Pierce was also arrested in October for driving under the influence.
Posted on 12/31/24 8:50AM by Chuck Benson
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RV Squatter Failed to Move, Now Resides in JoCo Jail
A parking complaint for a motor home parked in a cul-de-sac for over a week escalated into a trespass and other series charges for the motor home’s owner who eventually landed in jail. A Grants Pass Police officer responded to the parking complaint at 11:30 Monday morning and contacted 28-year-old Bailey Obryan Beck. Beck and the officer agreed the motor home would be moved and the surrounding trash cleaned within 30 minutes or it would be towed, and he would be trespassed. The officer returned two hours later and observed Beck throwing a garbage bag of trash onto the Church property with the motor home still in place. Beck was advised he was under arrest and became resistive. Beck was then placed into custody and lodged in the Josephine County Jail for offensive littering, trespass II and resisting arrest. He remained in custody Tuesday morning.
Posted on 12/31/24 8:14AM by Chuck Benson
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Walmart Shoplifter Trespassed & Jailed
Grants Pass Police were alerted to a shoplift complaint at Walmart Monday morning just before 9 a.m. and responded to arrest the suspect. Arriving officers found the suspect had fled on a bicycle, taking his lifted Red Bulls and candy across the Parkway and was seen heading to Harbor Freight and Ross. The suspect had removed his baseball cap, gray jacket and hoodie in an effort to remain undetected. He was contacted in the Goodwill parking lot, identified as David Galen Hamilton, 39, and detained. He was found to have a felony probation violation warrant out of Jackson County. He was lodged in the Josephine County jail and remained in custody this morning facing a theft III charge in addition to the warrant. His total theft, less than $100.
Posted on 12/31/24 7:44AM by Chuck Benson
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Total Payroll Employment in Jackson County Down in November and Past Year
Total payroll employment in Jackson County fell by 390 jobs in November, with several industries posting monthly job declines. According to the Oregon Employment Department, there were 102,189 people working in Jackson County last month for a seasonally adjusted jobless rate of 4.7%, up slightly from 4.6% in October and from 4.5% in November 2023. Leisure & hospitality showed the largest drop, down by 290 jobs. Others with estimated employment losses included financial activities, manufacturing, construction, and professional & business services. A couple industries added jobs in November. Health care & social assistance employment rose by 200, and transportation, warehousing & utilities gained 40 jobs over the month. Government employment slipped by 110 jobs, with losses in local, state and federal government.Over the past year, payroll employment in Jackson County dipped by 90 jobs, a decrease of 0.1%. Since November 2023, industries adding jobs were private education & health services (+970), transportation, warehousing & utilities (+70), and mining & logging (+20). Industries with over-the-year losses included retail trade (-500), manufacturing (-260), financial activities (-220), construction (-70) and information (-40). Jackson County government employment rose by 190 jobs over the year. Local government, state government and federal government all gained jobs over the past 12 months.
Posted on 12/31/24 5:01AM by Chuck Benson
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County Commissioners Final Business Session & Workshop this Morning
The final County Business Session of the year takes place this morning at 9 a.m. in the Anne G. Basker Auditorium. The agenda contains two administrative actions designed to update the administrative policies and procedures for the County. The first item will be the approval of order number 2024-078, updating Administrative Policy. The second will be order number 2024-079, updating Personnel Policy. Included in the agenda are Requests and Comments from Citizens, Board Review of Public Comments, approval of a consent calendar and Matters from Commissioners. The Commissioners will then move to their conference room in the Court House for an administrative workshop slated to begin at 10 a.m. That agenda contains, among other items, filling a vacant Board of County Commissioners position, the Private Structural Fire Service Providers Ordinance, moving the Risk Manager to Human Resources, the Josephine County Hiring Freeze and moving the OSU/4H Building into the Fairgrounds Master Plan. Both meetings will be live streamed on the County’s website.
Posted on 12/31/24 4:43AM by Chuck Benson
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All Law Enforcement Agencies in Southern Oregon Conducting High Visibility Traffic Enforcement through January 2nd
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is teaming with all local law enforcement agencies to urge drivers to think twice before drinking and driving. Drivers will see officers working on a special high-visibility enforcement campaign to spread the message about the dangers of drunk driving through January 2nd. There are many options to help impaired drivers get home safely, such as designating a sober driver or calling a taxi or rideshare. If you see a drunk driver on the road, do not hesitate to call 911. Remember: a few dollars spent on a ride is much cheaper than a DUI, which can cost up to $10,000. All local law enforcement agencies want all drivers to remember this lifesaving message: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over!
Posted on 12/31/24 4:42AM by Chuck Benson
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