Local News

GPCC Workshop Features Orientation, Presentations & Motion Consideration
The Grants Pass City Council will swear in its newest member, prepare for budget season, hear two presentations and consider an advisory committee motion during its workshop session today. The City Council will start the workshop by swearing in Ward 3 representative Seth Benham who was selected to replace former Councilor Dwayne Yunker on February 19th. The eight Council members will then have an orientation to the Budget Committee, which is made up of the panel plus eight appointed citizens. There will also be a staff presentation on a potential increase to the city's maximum building heights. The Council will consider a motion from the Urban Tree Advisory Committee before reviewing the agenda for Wednesday night's regular meeting. Following the workshop, Mayor Clint Scherf will convene a Special Meeting in Executive Session. The closed-door meeting is related to labor negotiations. Today's workshop begins at 11:45 a.m. in the City Council Chambers at Grants Pass City Hall, 101 NW A Street.
Posted on 3/3/25 6:20AM by Sam Marsh

New Website Developed to Assist Property Owners with Wildfire Risk Map Appeals
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A new website has been developed to assist Oregon homeowners and landowners navigate the appeal process of their state wildfire risk map designations. "UNDO762.org" provides up-to-date information on the appeal process and how landowners can help reverse the consequential impacts of the controversial map. The state's deadline for filing an appeal is now one week away. Those who fail to request their appeal hearing by March 10th will automatically and permanently forfeit their ability to appeal their individual wildfire hazard map designation. The March 10th deadline for filing an appeal remains in effect. Governor Kotek's recent statement of a delay does not mean the filing process is delayed. Businesses and trusts owning land should know that an attorney is required for the appeal hearing, but an attorney is not required to file the appeal. Communications Coordinator Jeff Bradshaw said "UNDO762.org" provides valuable information on how landowners can not only appeal what some say are Oregon's overreaching land use restrictions, but also information on how to file a Cease and Desist Order and demand a 120-day extension for the filing. Bradshaw said "UNDO762.org" will maintain its presence after the deadline and he encourages all property owners to continuously monitor the site.
Posted on 3/3/25 6:18AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police and Firefighters Logged Busy Week of Activity to Close Out February
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Grants Pass police officers and firefighters logged a busy week of activity to close out the month of February. According to the Weekly Report filed by Grants Pass City Manager Aaron Cubic, police officers responded to a total of 541 calls for service along with 218 officer-initiated calls last week that resulted in 23 arrests, 31 citations, 46 warnings and three highly-intoxicated people being lodged at the Sobering Center. Cubic also reported that officers conducted a total of 62 traffic stops in the city and they made 28 referrals to the Oregon Department of Human Services. The GPPD Community Response Team (CRT) made a total of 57 contacts with potential troublemakers while arresting three people, citing seven more and warning 20 others. The CRT unit also trespassed nine individuals, posted 48 transient camps and removed trash from 15 campsites. Grants Pass Fire & Rescue responded to a total of 103 calls last week including 43 for emergency medical service, three reports of fire or smoke, eight lift assists, four rescue situations, four assists to other agencies and five false alarms. Firefighters also performed 21 business inspections, led three education/prevention programs, assisted the public 10 times and properly installed one child car seat.
Posted on 3/3/25 6:17AM by Sam Marsh

GP Urban Area Planning Commission Approves Chipotle Drive-Thru
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Chipotle is coming to the Grants Pass Shopping Center. The Grants Pass Urban Area Planning Commission approved a Major Site Plan Review for a proposed Chipotle drive-thru restaurant to be located at the shopping center just off NE E Street during its February 26th meeting. The site was former drive-up bank which has been demolished to make way for the new restaurant. In addition to the restaurant, site improvements will include a new parking area, landscaping, two rain gardens for storm-water management and an outdoor seating area. After the land use planning approval, the next steps for this development are civil engineering plan review and building permit review before breaking ground on the new Chipotle restaurant. City Planning staff members worked with the architect, civil engineering firm and property owner throughout the Major Site Plan Review process.
Posted on 3/3/25 6:15AM by Sam Marsh
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Authorities Jailed Woman for Felony Assault and Weapon Crimes in Wolf Creek
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office has jailed a woman for felony assault and weapon crimes that may have occurred in the Wolf Creek area last weekend. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies arrested 40-year-old Faye Lauren Fox at a home in the 400-block of Old Stage Road on Thursday shortly after 9 a.m.. The address was the same as where deputies and state troopers responded to last Saturday night for an attack in which the victim was struck in the back of the head with a machete. The victim was not identified, but OSP mentioned a 31-year-old St. Helens man and two men -- ages 55 and 40 -- from Wolf Creek in its report. Fox was transported to Grants Pass and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felony 2nd-Degree Assault and Felony Unlawful Use of a Weapon. She was being held without bail. The machete allegedly used in the attack was recovered by OSP. According to the report, deputies were also looking for a male suspect -- but they were unable to locate him as the investigation is continuing. Three adult dogs and five puppies were transported from the rural property to the Josephine County Animal Shelter near Merlin.
Posted on 2/28/25 11:43AM by Sam Marsh
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Community Corrections Client Snared for Probation Violation and Other Crimes
A Josephine County Community Corrections client was arrested for violating his probation late yesterday and he is now facing additional felony-level charges. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies arrested 62-year-old John Gaylen Whisenant in the 800-block of Plumtree Lane on Thursday at 4:50 p.m.. Deputies said they were assisting Community Corrections officers when they placed Whisenant into custody. No other information was disclosed in the Sheriff's Log, but the suspect is a convicted felon and four firearms were found at the home. According to the report, deputies also discovered evidence of elder abuse. Whisenant was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer and the District Attorney's Office was expected to file additional charges of four counts of Felon in Possession of a Weapon along with Elder Abuse against him today.
Posted on 2/28/25 11:42AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Assisted RADE by Arresting Woman on Warrant for Drug Trafficking
Grants Pass Police assisted Rogue Area Drug Enforcement (RADE) yesterday by arresting a woman on a local warrant for alleged drug trafficking. The Police Department reports officers arrested 51-year-old Penny Lea Phillis at a home in the 1300-block of SW Foundry Street on Thursday at 2:22 p.m.. Police said RADE detectives requested Phillis be detained on a Grants Pass felony warrant for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of Methamphetamine. She was contacted and placed into custody without incident. No other information was available on the drug charges, but Phillis was lodged at the Josephine County Jail where she was being held on $100,000 bail.
Posted on 2/28/25 11:41AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man on Theft Warrant after Patrol Check at Parlway Church
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on a local theft warrant early yesterday after contacting him in an unlawfully parked vehicle at Parkway Christian Church. According to the Police Department, officers contacted 46-year-old Floyd Terry Rose on Thursday morning while he was sitting in a vehicle parked near the corner of NE Fairview Avenue and Cooper Drive. Police said Rose exhibited signs of a possible drug overdose and he refused to get out of the vehicle after several requests. His dog was secured and he was extracted from the car. American Medical Response arrived on scene to evaluate him. Rose was wanted on a Grants Pass warrant for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Theft. After being medically cleared, he was lodged in jail on the warrant. During the entire incident, Rose did not communicate or respond to officers. An additional charge of Resisting Arrest was referred to the District Attorney's Office. The vehicle was towed to a local impound yard.
Posted on 2/28/25 11:39AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man on Local Warrant after He Wrote on Dutch Bros Menu
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on a local warrant early yesterday after getting a trespassing complaint at a Dutch Bros coffee stand in the south part of the city. The Police Department reports officers responded to the incident at the Dutch Bros in the 600-block of Redwood Highway on Thursday around 9:30 a.m.. Police said they detained 26-year-old Nick Dustin Farmer after he vandalized a Dutch Bros menu board by writing miscellaneous words on it with a marker. He left the scene, but the incident was captured on video surveillance. However, a Dutch Bros regional manager declined to pursue charges against him. Farmer was wanted on a Grants Pass warrant for failing to appear in court for 3rd-Degree Theft and 2nd-Degree Criminal Trespass. He was eventually tracked down at an Options for Southern Oregon facility on Harbeck Road where he removed a "wet floor" sign and started walking away with it. Farmer was placed into custody and lodged in jail on the warrant. He was also trespassed from all Dutch Bros locations in Josephine County.
Posted on 2/28/25 11:38AM by Sam Marsh
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CJ Motorcyclist Hurt in Crash with Vehicle on Redwood Highway West of GP
A Cave Junction motorcyclist was hurt yesterday in a crash with a vehicle on Redwood Highway west of Grants Pass. The Oregon State Police reports troopers and emergency personnel responded to the two-vehicle collision on US Highway 199 near Helms Road on Thursday at 11:56 a.m.. OSP released very little information about the incident in its daily log, but reported that the crash occurred between a Honda Rebel motorcycle ridden by 32-year-old David Lee Swanagan and a Chevrolet Malibu driven by 53-year-old Pei Wen He Yarbrough. Swanagan was transported by ambulance to Three Rivers Medical Center with minor injuries. Troopers said the at-fault driver was cited for an unspecified violation and the damaged motorcycle was towed into Grants Pass.
Posted on 2/28/25 11:36AM by Sam Marsh
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Eagle Point Man Killed in Crash with Commercial Vehicle on OR Highway 138W
An Eagle Point man was killed this week in a collision with a commercial vehicle between Sutherlin and Elkton. The Oregon State Police reports troopers and emergency personnel responded to the two-vehicle head-on collision on Highway 138 West at 4:58 a.m. Wednesday. Troopers said the preliminary investigation indicated an eastbound Ford Escape driven by 38-year-old Carl Gregory Miller of Eagle Point veered into the westbound travel lane and struck an oncoming Kenworth commercial vehicle driven by 34-year-old Grant Crossgrove of Sisters. According to OSP, the Ford Escape burst into flames upon impact. Motorists on scene extricated Miller from the burning vehicle. Miller was declared deceased at the scene while Crossgrove was uninjured. The highway was impacted for approximately five hours during the on-scene investigation. Fatigue is believed to be a possible factor in the fatal crash. OSP was assisted by the Kellogg Rural Fire Department, Elkton Rural Fire Department, North Douglas Fire Department, Bay City Ambulance and the Oregon Department of Transportation.
Posted on 2/28/25 6:40AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Nabbed CJ Man for DUII after Gas Station Collision with IVFD Engine
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office arrested an Illinois Valley man for impaired driving this week after a motor vehicle crash in downtown Cave Junction. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies responded to the incident at the 76 gas station on South Redwood Highway on Wednesday shortly before the noon hour. Deputies said a private vehicle driven by 63-year-old Alec James Varner collided with an Illinois Valley Fire District engine that was refueling. Deputies determined that Varner exhibited signs of impairment. He performed poorly in field sobriety tests and was arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. No injuries were reported and both vehicles sustained minor damage. The IVFD engine remains operational and will continue to serve the community without any interruption. The Sheriff's Office emphasizes the dangers of impaired driving and urges all motorists to make responsible choices to ensure the safety of all citizens.
Posted on 2/28/25 6:38AM by Sam Marsh
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