Local News

Deputies Jailed GP Man for Roughing Up Small Child to Get Him to Go to Bed
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a Grants Pass man for roughing up a 3-year-old child to get him to be quiet and go to sleep. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies arrested the 26-year-old male subject for the incident at a home in the 200-block of Jasmine Drive off Lower River Road on Wednesday at 10:51 a.m.. The incident reportedly occurred on Tuesday night. Deputies said an investigation determined the subject placed his hand over a young child's mouth to stop him from crying while trying to put him to bed. The child tried to push the man's hand away, but was unable to do so. The subject grabbed the child's arm and shook him violently. According to the report, the little boy sustained multiple bruises with fingerprint welts to his face and arm. The child was tended to by medics, but it was unclear if he was taken to the hospital. The suspect was working in Medford at the time of the call. He agreed to drive back to Grants Pass and meet with a deputy, he admitted to the crime and was placed into custody. He was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felony 3rd-Degree Assault, Felony 1st-Degree Criminal Mistreatment and Strangulation. The Oregon Department of Human Services was notified about the incident.
Posted on 7/11/24 12:29PM by Sam Marsh

Deputies Arrested Man for Breaking into Barn & Guest House near Wilderville
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office arrested a man for breaking into a barn and guest house in the Wilderville area yesterday. According to the Sheriff's Office, deputies responded to the incident in the 3300-block of Cheney Creek Road on Wednesday around 12:30 p.m.. Deputies said the property owner called 9-1-1 to report a male subject had broken into his barn. The caller said he observed the incident on video surveillance and believed the subject was possibly under the influence of drugs. He had no vehicle. According to the report, the subject initially told the property owner that he lived in the guest house and was taking care of horses. He went in and out of the guest house several times. The door had been locked, but it was forced open. Upon arrival, deputies placed the 27-year-old suspect into custody. He was lodged without bail at the Josephine County Jail for 1st-Degree Burglary, Attempted 1st-Degree Theft, 3rd-Degree Criminal Mischief and 1st-Degree Criminal Trespass.
Posted on 7/11/24 12:27PM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Collared Man on Warrant Plus New Charges after South City Call
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on an outstanding warrant plus new criminal offenses while investigating a domestic disturbance in the south part of the city yesterday. According to the Police Department, officers were alerted to the incident at a home in the 400-block of West Harbeck Road on Wednesday at 10:45 a.m.. Police said a 22-year-old male subject violated his no-contact release agreement by contacting the victim at his residence. They said he was also found to be wanted on a Grants Pass warrant for failing to appear in court for 4th-Degree Assault. He was located in the laundry room of the home and then fled out the back door. When the subject was advised he was under arrest, he ran back into the residence and tried to hide in a bedroom. He resisted being placed into custody by tensing up his body and refusing to place his hands behind his back. He was eventually subdued by multiple officers, but no one was injured. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant as well as new charges of Contempt of Court, Resisting Arrest and Escape. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 7/11/24 12:26PM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Snared Young Motorist for DUII after NW Highland Avenue Crash
Grants Pass Police arrested a young motorist for impaired driving last night after he crashed his vehicle into a residential yard in the northwest part of the city. The Police Department reports officers and emergency crews responded to the single-vehicle wreck in the 2200-block of NW Highland Avenue on Wednesday at about 7:25 p.m.. Police said the 18-year-old male subject was driving a vehicle in a manner that was endangering people and property when he swerved off the roadway, struck a tree and landed in a yard. They said witnesses observed him fleeing the scene on foot before he was contacted and detained. The young man displayed numerous signs of impairment including red watery eyes, slurred speech, an unsteady gait and a strong smell of alcohol emanating from his person. He was placed into custody and while being placed in a patrol vehicle, he reportedly used physical resistance in an attempt to break free. He was secured in the vehicle for the ride to the hospital and a legal blood draw. The suspect was subsequently lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, Reckless Driving and Resisting Arrest. His wrecked vehicle was impounded.
Posted on 7/11/24 12:24PM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Dirt Bike Operator for Riding on Street near City Park
Grants Pass Police arrested a man for riding a dirt bike on a public roadway near a city park last night. According to the Police Department, officers pulled over the 40-year-old dirt bike rider on Allen Creek Road after he was observed riding the bike near Tussing Park on Wednesday around 8:30 p.m.. Police said they stopped the rider because the dirt bike had no license plates while it was traveling west on West Park Street. Officers later located the bike at the intersection of Allen Creek Road and Redwood Avenue before pulling it over. The man was riding at a high rate of speed on a sidewalk at the time. The dirt bike rider was "uncooperative," failed to present identification and claimed he did not need ID because he had rights to ride his dirt bike. He was detained and his Oregon ID was located during a pat down. The suspect was lodged in jail for Failure to Carry and Present an Operator's License, Driving While Suspended and No Insurance. His dirt bike was towed.
Posted on 7/11/24 12:23PM by Sam Marsh
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Firefighters Continue to Strengthen Containment Lines on Salt Creek Wildfire
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Firefighters on the Salt Creek Fire continued to make progress on building and strengthening containment lines yesterday, trying to stop the wildfire's growth. The Oregon Department of Forestry reports the majority of the fire has direct line at the fire's edge. The region's largest fire of the season so far was measured to be 3,815 acres with 16% containment. Strategic firing operations were used on a few small portions of the fire that had areas of indirect line due to steep, rocky terrain. With this work complete, those areas are more secure. On the northern portion of the fire, mop-up operations reached 50 feet into the fire's perimeter. Hose has been established on the southern border, which will greatly aid firefighters in mop-up moving forward. There were 941 total personnel assigned to the wildfire including 12 20-person hand crews backed by 22 engines, 11 water tenders and 10 bulldozers. Aircraft including multiple helicopters and air tankers are available when needed. Level 1 "Be Ready" evacuation notices remain in effect for several areas around the wildfire, but so far no homes or structures are threatened. Salt Creek Road and Wasson Creek Road remain closed off Highway 140. Double Day Road is still closed off Butte Falls Highway. Highway 140 and Butte Falls Highway remain open. The Salt Creek Fire is located between Eagle Point and Butte Falls. It was first reported on Sunday just after 4 p.m.. The cause remains under investigation.
Posted on 7/11/24 6:44AM by Sam Marsh
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Josephine County Man Died in Motor Vehicle Crash on Lower Grave Creek Road
A Josephine County man was killed in a motor vehicle accident in the Sunny Valley-Wolf Creek area this week. The Josephine County Sheriff's Office reports deputies and emergency personnel responded to the single-vehicle crash in the 4,000-block of Lower Grave Creek Road late Tuesday afternoon. Prior to law enforcement arrival, the driver -- 60-year-old Joseph John Tracey -- was pronounced deceased by medical personnel. Next of kin have been notified. Sergeant Craig Ricker said evidence at the scene indicated that Tracey was driving a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee north on Lower Grave Creek when he failed to negotiate a curve. The Sheriff's Office was assisted at the fatal crash scene by Rural Metro Fire Department, American Medical Response, Oregon State Police and 3 Boys Towing.
Posted on 7/11/24 6:43AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed Man for Harassing Girlfriend at SW Rogue River Avenue Home
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for harassing his girlfriend during an argument at a southwest city residence early yesterday. The Police Department reports officers arrested the 37-year-old male subject for the incident at a home on SW Rogue River Avenue on Wednesday at 2:56 a.m.. Police said the subject got into an alcohol- and drug-fueled argument with his girlfriend. The girlfriend claimed he slapped her with an open hand three times as she was walking away. The woman declined any medical attention. Upon arrival, officers interviewed both parties and placed the man into custody. Connected to the man's keys was a double-sided, spring-assisted switchblade knife that he described as a "novelty" and claimed to be holding for someone else. He is a convicted felon who is prohibited from possessing any weapons. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felon in Possession of a Restricted Weapon and Domestic Harassment. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 7/11/24 6:41AM by Sam Marsh
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Authorities Investigating Burglaries of Marijuana Operations in Southern Oregon
Authorities are investigating multiple burglaries of marijuana farms and storage facilities in Jackson and Josephine counties. The Jackson County Sheriff's Office reports the suspects are targeting licensed marijuana farms during the nighttime hours and they are possibly armed. Owners and workers of these facilities should be alert for these types of crimes and report any unusual activity. Perimeter fences and surveillance cameras should be checked to be sure they are intact and operational. Jackson County Public Information Officer Aaron Lewis said these cases are active and ongoing, with detectives following additional leads. Anyone with information on these burglaries or anyone who has not yet reported a previous burglary crime at a local marijuana facility is encouraged to call the 9-1-1 Dispatch Center at (541)-776-7206 and ask to speak with a deputy.
Posted on 7/11/24 6:39AM by Sam Marsh
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NE A Street near GPHS Closed to Through Traffic for Sewer Main Installation
The City of Grants Pass has announced the month-long closure of a busy arterial street for a summer construction project. Starting today and running through August 16th, NE A Street between 8th and Baker streets will be closed to through traffic from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.. The street closure next to Grants Pass High School is for a sewer main installation. A Street will be open for local access only and detours will be in place. Motorists are advised to avoid the area and find alternate routes. Emergency vehicles will be not be allowed through. For more information, contact the City of Grants Pass at (541)-450-6110.
Posted on 7/11/24 6:31AM by Sam Marsh
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Commissioners Herman Baertschiger and John West Refused to Approve Pipe Fork Sale
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It appears a years-long effort to sell the Pipe Fork property near Williams to a nature conservancy ended yesterday when two of the three members of the Board of Commissioners refused to approve it. During the Board's weekly business session on Wednesday, Commissioner Dan DeYoung made a motion to approve a purchase and sale agreement with The Conservation Fund along with a contribution agreement with the Williams Community Forest Project for a total of $2.32 million for the 320-acre property. Commissioners Herman Baertschiger and John West refused to second DeYoung's motion so it died and no second motion was made. Baertschiger said he could not support the sale without deed restrictions that prohibit logging the property and guarantee that the land would remain open to public access. West claimed that Port Orford Cedar Root Rot Disease has already infected trees on the property. The Board was facing a July 15th deadline to approve the sale as funding to pay for the property will no longer be available after that date. During the public comment period, the Board heard from several supporters of the Pipe Fork sale as a large contingent of Williams residents was present in the Anne G. Basker Auditorium. Two members of The Conservation Fund were standing by via Zoom, but they were not consulted by the Commissioners.
Posted on 7/11/24 6:26AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Council and Citizens "Listened" to City Response to Recent Supreme Court Ruling
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City Manager Aaron Cubic started last night's City Council listening session with an outline of the legal situation that Grants Pass still faces following the United States Supreme Court decision that overturned the 9th Circuit Court ruling which forced the city to allow camping in nearly all city parks. Cubic announced the City Council would be taking no action during the meeting and the first revelation was the city is still subject to the 9th Circuit's injunction until it is lifted, likely within 90 days. The City remains under federal, state and local laws that define time, place and manner regulations affecting homelessness. Oregon House Bill 3115 stipulates that cities regulate resting in places and on public property, and campers may be moved only with 72 hours' notice. Oregon House Bill 3124 states designated campgrounds must be safe and sanitary with proper restroom facilities and public safety. The City asked attendees to electronically vote their preference for which parks should be designated as campgrounds. The four -- in order of preference -- were Baker Park, Tussing Park, Redwood Park and Eckstein Park. Attendees were then asked which parks where camping should not be allowed. Those four were Reinhart Volunteer Park, Riverside Park, Lawnridge Park and Morrison Centennial Park.
Posted on 7/11/24 6:25AM by Sam Marsh
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