Local News

Pipe Fork Sale Controversy Dominated Board of Commissioners Meeting on Wednesday
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It wasn't on the agenda for the Josephine County Board of Commissioners meeting on Wednesday, but the controversy surrounding the Pipe Fork timber property in Williams dominated the session. A large group of Williams area residents protested in front of the Anne G. Basker Auditorium during the meeting and numerous people spoke in favor of selling the property during the public comment period. One person turned in a petition with more than 3,500 signatures of Josephine County residents in favor of the sale to the Board secretary. There was one Williams resident who spoke against the sale. Meanwhile, the Board approved the first reading of an order to form a Josephine County Rural Fire Protection District and set the second reading and approval of the order for November 20th. The proposed district is designed to protect citizens who live outside established fire districts in Williams, Wolf Creek and the Illinois Valley. The Applegate Valley Fire District -- which plans to annex properties in the Murphy area -- encouraged the Board to meet with the local fire districts first. Following another public hearing, the Commissioners first declared an emergency and approved loaning the now-defunct 4-H Extension Service District $370,000 to make roof repairs and other repairs to the building it once leased from the county. Later on during the meeting, the Board met as the governing body of the former district and repaid the loan back to the county's general fund.
Posted on 10/31/24 5:10AM by Sam Marsh

Oregon PUC Approves Drop in Monthly Natural Gas Rates for Avista Utilities Customers
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The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) recently approved a decrease in rates for Avista customers that goes into effect on Friday, November 1st. The PUC approves adjustments annually to the rates of the three regulated natural gas companies -- including Avista Utilities, Cascade Natural Gas and NW Natural -- to reflect changes in the actual cost of wholesale-priced natural gas. This annual adjustment -- known as the Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) -- allows companies to pass through their actual cost of purchasing gas to customers without a markup on the price. The monthly bill of a typical customer using an average of 47 therms per month will decrease by $6.15 or 8.7%. The monthly bill of a typical commercial customer using an average of 204 therms per month will decrease by $28.26 or 10.7%. This decrease is largely due to the lower than anticipated price of natural gas last year as compared with projections when rates were set, which resulted in over-collection of revenues from customers last year. The over-collected funds are used to reduce collections from customers this year.
Posted on 10/31/24 5:08AM by Sam Marsh

ODOT Officials Provide Safety Tips for Drivers and Pedestrians on Halloween Night
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A safe Halloween night makes for a fun Halloween night. Halloween is here and with kids out trick-or-treating and partygoers hitting the streets, safety is more important than ever. Whether you're driving or walking, the Oregon Department of Transportation has provided some quick tips that will help keep everyone safe and make the holiday fun for all. For drivers, slow down in neighborhoods. Excited kids might run into the street without warning. Take it slow, be patient and stay alert especially between 5:30 and 9:30 p.m.. Watch for pedestrians. Stay distraction free and keep your focus on the road. Never drink and drive. For pedestrians, be seen. Dark costumes make it hard for drivers to see you. Add reflective tape or carry a flashlight to stay visible. Stay predictable. Use sidewalks and crosswalks whenever possible. Keep kids close. If you're with little ones, hold their hands and stay on sidewalks. Be alert for vehicles coming in and out of driveways. ODOT officials said it takes us all to be safe. Whether you're driving or walking, a little caution goes a long way.
Posted on 10/31/24 5:01AM by Sam Marsh

Pipe Fork Property Sale Controversy Dominates Board of Commissioners Meeting
While it wasn't on the agenda for the Josephine County Board of Commissioners meeting this morning, the controversy surrounding the Pipe Fork timber property in Williams dominated the session. A large group of Williams area residents protested in front of the Anne G. Basker Auditorium during the meeting and numerous people spoke in favor of selling the property during the public comment period. One person turned in a petition with more than 3,500 signatures of Josephine County residents in favor of the sale to the Board secretary. Meanwhile, the Board approved the first reading of an order to form a Josephine County Rural Fire Protection District and set the second reading and approval of the order for November 20th. The proposed district is designed to protect citizens who live outside established fire districts in Williams, Wolf Creek and the Illinois Valley. The Applegate Valley Fire District -- which plans to annex properties in the Murphy area -- encouraged the Board to meet with local fire districts first. Following another public hearing, the Commissioners first declared an emergency and approved loaning the now-defunct 4-H Extension Service District $370,000 to make roof repairs and other repairs to the building it once leased from the county. Later on during the meeting, the Board met as the governing body of the former district and repaid the loan back to the county's general fund. The Board also approved an application for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in order to provide mental health services to jail inmates. As part of the Consent Calendar, the Board appointed Ronald Goodpasture to a two-year term on the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council. The Commission also re-appointed Dean Saxon, Julie Lockman and Arthur O'Hare to three-year terms on the Fair Board.
Posted on 10/30/24 11:28AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Located Stolen Vehicle on North Valley Property and Made One Arrest
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a North Valley man for stealing at least one vehicle early yesterday. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies arrested 43-year-old Jeremy Scot Whelchel on a property in the 3200-block of Camp Joy Road on Tuesday at 10:53 a.m.. Deputies said a nearby resident called 9-1-1 to report seeing a suspicious 1997 Toyota Tacoma coming and going from Whelchel's home, which was littered with numerous other vehicles. Another person reported the once purple-colored vehicle had been spray-painted red. An investigation determined that the Toyota Tacoma had been reported stolen on October 10th from Airport Chevrolet in Medford. Upon arrival, deputies searched the property, located the stolen vehicle and placed Whelchel into custody. He was lodged in jail for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. He was being held without bail. According to the report, the Sheriff's Office was planning to search the property to see if there were any other stolen vehicles.
Posted on 10/30/24 11:27AM by Sam Marsh
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Petty Theft Investigation Led GP Police to Arrest Man on Local Felony Warrant
A petty theft investigation at a Grants Pass supermarket led to the arrest of a man on a local felony warrant and for drug possession yesterday. The Grants Pass Police Department arrested 26-year-old Christian Nicholas Peckham near the corner of NW Dimmick and F streets on Tuesday at 11:27 a.m.. Police said Peckham was seen on video earlier in the day stealing about $20 worth of merchandise from Safeway on SE 7th Street. They located the suspect near the downtown area and discovered that he was wanted on a Josephine County felony warrant for Parole Violation stemming from a previous burglary conviction. Peckham consented to a search and was found to be in possession of a white crystal substance that tested positive as methamphetamine. He also had been trespassed from the downtown Safeway last spring. Peckham was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant plus new charges of Meth Possession, 3rd-Degree Theft and 1st-Degree Criminal Trespass. He was being held on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 10/30/24 11:26AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Apprehended 2 Fugitives in Cave Junction around Midday Tuesday
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office apprehended two fugitives in Cave Junction around midday yesterday. According to the Sheriff's Office, the first incident occurred on Tuesday at 11:37 a.m. when deputies arrested 33-year-old Timothy Rain Davis in the 25,600-block of Redwood Highway. Davis was wanted on an Oregon State Parole Board warrant for violating his post-prison supervision from a conviction for 3rd-Degree Robbery. He was transported to Grants Pass and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer. The second incident happened on Tuesday at 12:02 p.m. when deputies arrested 46-year-old Joseph David Ainsworth in the 100-block of South Redwood Highway. Ainsworth was wanted on a Josephine County felony warrant for Probation Violation related to a previous arrest for 1st-Degree Arson. He was lodged in jail on $250,000 bail.
Posted on 10/30/24 11:25AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Snared Man for Drug-Fueled & Alarming Behavior in SE Part of City
Grants Pass Police arrested a man for his drug-fueled and alarming behavior in a southeast city neighborhood last night. The Police Department reports officers responded to multiple reports of suspicious activity near the corner of SE Gaffney Way and Grandview Avenue on Tuesday at about 6 p.m.. Police said 30-year-old Dustin Michael Fontana was reported to be engaging in alarming and tumultuous behavior. Witnesses stated that he was running on the road, chasing cars and attempting to hit them. The suspect was also seen checking the door handles on vehicles and knocking over at least one trash can. One witness reported that Fontana almost got hit by a truck and his response was to jump in front of another vehicle, hitting it with his hand and lifting his shirt as if to mimic pulling out a weapon. Officers eventually contacted Fontana in the 1700-block of Gaffney Way, detained him and found him to be in possession of a glass pipe with burnt residue that tested positive as methamphetamine. It was seized for destruction. Fontana was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Disorderly Conduct and Meth Possession. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 10/30/24 11:23AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Well-Known Offender for Downtown Post Office Incident
Grants Pass Police arrested a "frequent flyer" for an incident at the downtown Post Office yesterday. According to the Police Department, officers responded to the incident at the postal facility on NW 6th Street on Tuesday around 3:40 p.m.. Police said 32-year-old Whitney Ann Word was observed by a Post Office worker searching for what she believed to be a rock directly outside a window after the employee heard two loud smashing sounds and seeing large holes in the window. Word was found to be in possession of $48 worth of unpaid-for postal merchandise when she was contacted by officers outside the facility. She was immediately placed into custody and charged with 2nd-Degree Criminal Mischief and 3rd-Degree Theft. Word was lodged without bail at the Josephine County Jail and her belongings were logged into evidence for safekeeping.
Posted on 10/30/24 11:22AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Nabbed Man for Stealing Merchandise from Home Depot Store
Grants Pass Police arrested a man for stealing merchandise from Home Depot last night. The Police Department reports officers responded to the shoplifting complaint at the store on NE Mill Street on Tuesday at 8:10 p.m.. Police said 38-year-old Steven Carsten Juergensen had been detained by Home Depot loss prevention after he passed all points of sale with stolen flashlights and a speaker valued at nearly $160. Juergensen reportedly did not want to speak about the crime. He was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 2nd-Degree Theft. He was also trespassed from Home Depot.
Posted on 10/30/24 11:21AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed Convicted Felon Who Entered Secure Lot at GPPD Headquarters
Grants Pass Police arrested a convicted felon who entered the secure lot at GPPD headquarters last weekend. The Police Department reports the incident involving 53-year-old Michael Ray Hastings occurred on Sunday night. Police said Hastings climbed the fence off NE 6th Street, entered the secure lot and was found lying behind the short retaining wall to the ramp for the exterior training room door. They said he was uncooperative, hostile and appeared to be under the influence of a narcotic stimulant. Hastings was held at Taser point until additional units arrived and he was placed into custody for 2nd-Degree Criminal Trespass. During a consent search, he was found to be in possession of a knife that opens by centrifugal force. A records check showed that he is a convicted felon banned from possessing any weapons. Hastings was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for the trespassing incident and he was additionally charged with Felon in Possession of a Restricted Weapon. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 10/30/24 4:59AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man Twice at Motel for Warrant, Drugs & Criminal Trespass
Grants Pass Police arrested a man twice at a local motel this week -- once on an outstanding warrant and the second time when he trespassed at the lodging facility. The Police Department reports the first incident involving 60-year-old Clint Edward Robertson at the Super 8 Motel on NE 7th Street occurred on Monday night. Police said a motel employee called 9-1-1 to report Robertson and his female companion were fighting, drawing several complaints from other guests. Officers contacted the man while he was walking away from the motel and discovered that he was wanted on a Medford Police Department warrant for failing to appear in court for Probation Violation related to an arrest for 4th-Degree Assault. After Robertson was placed into handcuffs, he complained of physical pain and requested medical attention. He was transported by ambulance to Three Rivers Medical Center for evaluation so he was cited to appear in court and released. Early Tuesday morning, the motel employee called 9-1-1 again to report that Robertson had returned after being warned for trespass on Monday night. He walked to the back of the property and was found sleeping in his vehicle. Robertson was placed into custody. During a consent search, he was found to be in possession of a small container with methamphetamine residue. Robertson once again complained of physical pain -- but this time he was taken to the hospital, evaluated, cleared and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant plus new charges of Meth Possession and Criminal Trespass.
Posted on 10/30/24 4:58AM by Sam Marsh
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